Treatment of osteoarthritis with folk remedies

Currently, more and more people are trying to treat chronic degenerative-dystrophic pathology of the joints (osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, spondylarthrosis, polyosteoarthritis, etc. ) at home using traditional medicine. However, as clinical practice shows, it is not worth switching exclusively to non-traditional methods of treatment.

Quite successfully, they can be used as an adjunct to the basic therapeutic course, but only after prior consultation with the attending physician. What methods of treating osteoarthritis of different localization can be used at home:


How can osteoarthritis be treated with folk remedies? Very often, patients with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints apply compresses, rub ointment for osteoarthritis, rub the affected areas with a solution, take a bath, drink a decoction, etc. Some important points for those who will treat osteoarthritis with folk remedies at home. :

  • The use of any alternative method of therapy should first be agreed with the physician. If you do not want to harm your health, do not ignore the opinion of a specialist.
  • Many prescriptions of traditional medicine are familiar to doctors. They can easily tell you which ones will be most suitable for your case.
  • When preparing ointments, tinctures (tincture of lethargy), decoction and rubbing, use only high quality raw materials, which today can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores. Do not buy ready-made medicines from folk remedies.
  • Carefully read the composition of the medicine. You should not have an allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.
  • If side effects occur, you should immediately stop using this medicine and seek professional medical help.

The use of traditional medicine for osteoarthritis is best combined with traditional methods of treatment.


compress for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

In the evening, almost every patient suffering from osteoarthritis develops swelling of the affected joints and the painful sensations intensify. Compresses will help to cope with these unpleasant clinical manifestations of chronic rheumatic pathology. Among all the recipes, we list the most common:

  1. Clay compress. The clay and water are mixed until a homogeneous mass is created. Then spread on cheesecloth or thin natural fabric. The compress should be placed on the inflamed joint. The duration of the procedure is 60-90 minutes. The compress can be repeated daily for a week.
  2. Compress on the basis of cabbage and honey. It is considered one of the most popular recipes of traditional medicine, as it does not require much effort to prepare and use. Get some fresh cabbage leaves before you go to bed. Coat one side of the leaf with honey and apply to the affected joint. To wrap the whole knot, we need about 3-4 cabbage leaves, pre-dyed with honey. To increase efficiency, we also wrap the joint with polyethylene and woolen fabric. As a rule, the compress is put on overnight. There are no special restrictions on the duration of the procedure.
  3. Oat compresses. Five tablespoons of oats should be boiled for 7-8 minutes. To get a viscous porridge, you need to take less water than with standard cooking. After cooking, the porridge should cool. We then lay it on a dense fabric, wrap it and apply it to the knots. As with the previous recipe, you can wrap the top with polyethylene and a woolen cloth (for example, a scarf) to increase efficiency.
  4. Kefir compress. Egg shells are thoroughly ground into a fine powder. Pour the kefir and mix this mixture. It is then wrapped in plain cloth. Apply to the affected node. We wrap it from above with polyethylene and a woolen scarf.
  5. Foam compresses and dairy products. Sometimes chalk is used instead of shell. As a rule, a kind of chalk is used, which is used in school. Foam construction is not suitable as it can irritate the skin. Dilute the powdered mixture with any dairy product, such as kefir, sour cream or yogurt. The mixture should be homogeneous but quite thick. Apply to the joints, wrapping it with a plastic film on top. Usually a compress is applied overnight.
  6. Horseradish compresses. Finely chop the horseradish roots. We put them on low heat, but try not to boil the water. Steamed stalks are spread on a piece of linen. Then apply to the affected joint. The duration of the procedure should be 2-3 hours.
  7. The application of fresh fern leaves brings considerable relief. From above, the knot can be wrapped in gauze or plastic wrap.

Many patients use ordinary vacuum jars as a popular remedy for osteoarthritis, which often have a positive effect.


ointment for the treatment of osteoarthritis

In most cases, traditional methods of treating rheumatic pathology involve the use of various ointments, creams and medicinal gels as topical therapies. Traditional medicine also uses medicines in the form of ointments. Natural herbs are usually used for their preparation. Here is an example of some recipes that can be used to treat osteoarthritis at home:

  • Complex ointment. Three types of herbs make up approximately 10 grams each: sweet clover, hops, and St. John's wort. Mix all these herbs in 50 grams of Vaseline. Bring the ointment to a homogeneous state. It is necessary to lubricate the affected joints up to 3 times a day for 10 days.
  • Celandine-based external agent. Grind the leaves and stalks of celandine. We will need 3 tablespoons of this medicinal herb, which we place in a small container and add a glass of sunflower oil. It should be insisted for at least 2 weeks. After this period, the solution should be filtered. The resulting external agent can be applied to the affected area with massaging movements daily. The duration of the therapeutic course is about 25-30 days.
  • Hellebore ointment. Grini 20 grams of Caucasian hellebore. Then add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, honey and mustard powder. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath and poured into a small container. According to patient reviews, the oil is quite effective for pain in the small joints of the arms and legs.
  • External agent based on hop cones. We mix hop cones and medical Vaseline in a 1: 4 ratio. It is recommended to use up to 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

Treating osteoarthritis with folk remedies at home is not able to completely save you from the disease, but it is quite possible to reduce clinical symptoms like pain, swelling and inflammation.

Tools for rubbing joints

As in inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints, various types of folk remedies for rubbing are widely used. To date, these recipes are quite represented. Let's dwell on the most effective:

  • Dandelion tincture. You should get a small container made of dark glass. About half the bottle is filled with dandelion heads. After that, vodka is poured into it. For the prescription to be effective, the fluid must be injected for at least 30 days. After the required period, the contents of the bottle are filtered. Use the resulting dandelion solution to rub the affected joints before going to bed.
  • Angelica infusion. To prepare this infusion, you will need a tablespoon of angelic medicinal herb, which we pour into a glass of hot water. Allow the fluid to inject for 20 minutes. It is then necessary to strain, and the infusion can be used as a rub for the affected joints. Variety of use - 3 times a day for 2 weeks.
  • Shingles tincture. To prepare a buckthorn tincture, you will need 5 tablespoons of a medicinal plant and half a liter of vodka. Insist for 10-12 days. Over time, the fluid should be filtered. Apply non-ester tincture to rubbing the joints twice a day for a week.
  • Complex friction. In equal parts we get honey, glycerin, iodine solution and alcohol. If there is no alcohol, you can get vodka or natural fruit vinegar. Thoroughly mix all these ingredients and let it bake for two hours. This rubbing is very effective in relieving pain.
  • Medicinal collection for rubbing. We take in a tablespoon these types of herbs: eucalyptus, needles, hyssop and chamomile. Fill the medicinal collection with vegetable oil. Sometimes corn or olive oil is also used. It is recommended to insist for about a day. Apply this rub twice a day. In addition, it can be used as a massage lubricant.
  • Rubbing with propolis base. A small amount of propolis should be melted (about 70-100 grams). Add sunflower oil. Then cool the mixture and rub it on the affected wrist area when pain appears.

Without obtaining the approval of the attending physician, it is not recommended to treat osteoarthritis using various folk remedies at home.

Therapeutic baths

therapeutic baths for arthritis

Almost always, balneotherapy is prescribed for the treatment of most degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It should be noted that even in folk medicine this therapeutic method is widely used. Some popular recipes that help with osteoarthritis:

  1. Mustard bath. We will need about 150 grams of mustard powder, which should be diluted in 2-3 liters of warm water. When diluting mustard powder, the main attention should be paid to ensuring that no lumps remain. Pour the resulting mixture into a standard bath you plan to make. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. After taking a therapeutic bath, we wash off the remnants of the mustard mixture under the shower, put on warm pajamas and lie down under the covers.
  2. Bath with mint. For the preparation of this bath is used dry mint grass, collected during the flowering period. Mint is poured into a small pot or iron bucket and poured with water in the ratio 1: 3. Then the solution is boiled for 20 minutes. In addition, after boiling insist for about half an hour. Then pour the mint solution into the bath. The duration of the bath is determined individually. It is necessary for the body to come out with steam. After that, dry and wear warm clothes.
  3. Medicinal bath. Take three tablespoons of St. John's wort, oregano, calendula, nettle and burdock root. They insist separately in a small pot of hot water for an hour. Then pour the herbal infusion into the bath. The washing procedure should not exceed 20 minutes.

Urgent request - if you decide to supplement the traditional treatment of osteoarthritis with various traditional medicine, first consult your doctor, who will help you choose the most optimal medicines and methods for their use.